WNS Liaison Report
to the NSS President
1 October 2008


            The NSS White Nose Syndrome Liaison Project continues to make significant progress in its goals to keep the NSS and broader caving community apprised of and directly connected to developments relating to the White Nose Syndrome affecting bats in the northeast.  We’ve passed some significant benchmarks as a Project, since the last report. In the field and in the laboratories, the focus has moved back underground and outside caves and mines with the arrival of fall and the seasonal swarming.





            The NSS should be very proud of its role so far in the investigation of White Nose Syndrome, and our conservation-oriented response to the plight of the bats that dwell in the caves we love.  The quick response last winter in closing some of our caves, the underwriting and participation in the Albany Science Strategy Conference, the presence of the website, and now the creation of the Rapid Response Fund have significantly enhanced the position of the NSS in the eyes of the research and federal and state management communities.  We are a true partner in managing this phenomenon.

We do need to continue to urge cavers to clean and decontaminate gear, and to take extra care when traveling between affected and unaffected caves and regions of the country. The fear among the scientists and managers of WNS spreading beyond the northeast this winter is strong and palpable.  Now is not the time to take anything for granted.

Peter Youngbaer
NSS 16161
WNS Liaison